Saturday, September 30, 2017

UV Smoothing

Hello again, these days I've been finishing painting a character. I ran into a small, but annoying problem.

The UV smoothing. This is usually more common to occur in low poly models, however it also happens in mid poly models especially in areas where edge loops accumulate. At the moment of smoothing the polygons internally also the UV is smoothed and this makes that certain zones are overlapped. This seems to be small, but it can cause several problems at the time of painting on the UV and even more if you want to extract normal maps, displacement, vector displacement, among others.

Non Smooth                                         Smooth 

Possible solutions:
  • Move part of the UV so that it does not overlap.
  • Try to make the UV cut elsewhere, trying not to overlap.
  • Limit the amount of subdivision to be performed, as follows:
By activating the smooth all option that is in the "shape" node. All the edges of the uv will be smoothed, thus avoiding that they overlap with each other.

After this we go to menu "Modify"->Convert ->Smooth Mesh Preview to Polygons and send it to our painting software.

This method seems quite easy, however if we want to smooth our modeling once again either in render or in viewport, it will no longer fit our texture as the edges will not match.

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